
Please, no personal insults on the neighborhood listserve

Board members,
Please don't let people, even board members, post personal insults on this list.
Just so we all know where the line is, if someone wrote in to say a board member was an ignorant, loud-mouthed bully with a bad temper, a liar, and an insult to the honorable, decent Latino community he claims to represent, that would be personal, and it HAS NO PLACE on this listserve.
On the other hand, if they said he broke the bylaws and helped another board member break the by laws and state laws of corporate governance and isn't even embarrassed about it, that he should be kicked out, now that would be germane to the organization's functioning. It would be personally distasteful to me to hear it, but, well, it's allowed, I suppose.
But this other personal stuff, like calling someone a weasely, near-sighted lout, I'm sorry but I just can't be part of an organization where that happens.
¡Mejor solo que mal acompanado!

Yr. Neighbor

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